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Title: Pengembangan Media Mobile Learning Berbasis HTML5 untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar dan Berpikir Kritis Siswa Sekolah Dasar dalam Pembelajaran IPAS
Other Titles: Media Mobile Learning Berbasis HTML5, Hasil Belajar, Berpikir Kritis, dan IPAS
Authors: HIMMAH, Elok Faiqotul
Keywords: HTML5 Based Mobile learning Media
Learning outcomes
Critical thinking
Issue Date: 22-Jan-2025
Abstract: This research aims to test the validity, practicality and effectiveness in developing HTML5-based mobile learning media in elementary school level science and science learning. The method in this research uses development or Research and Development (R&D). Researchers use the ADDIE product development model (analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation). The research subjects were fourth grade elementary school students at two institutions, namely SDN Yosowilangun Kidul 01 and SDN Yosowilangun Kidul 03. The data collection techniques used in this research were questionnaire instrument analysis, expert validation instruments, practicality instruments and pretest-posttest data. The results of the research show the level of validity of HTML5-based mobile learning media, with an average score of 91.2% which is categorized as "very valid", then the practicality test of HTML5-based mobile learning media was obtained from observations of implementation by teachers with an average percentage of 86.0%. and student response questionnaires with an average percentage of 89.0% in the "very practical" category, meaning the media is suitable for use in the learning process.Meanwhile, in testing the effectiveness of HTML5-based mobile learning media from learning outcomes data, an N-gain score of 0.72 was obtained in the "high" category. Critical thinking analysis resulted in an N-gain score of 0.754 in the "high" category. This data shows that analysis based on the results of the N-gain score test shows that the use of HTML5-based mobile learning media can improve students' learning outcomes and critical thinking skills in elementary school level science learning. It can be concluded that the use of HTML5-based mobile learning media in science and science learning is valid, feasible and very effective for improving students' learning outcomes and critical thinking skills at the elementary school level.
Appears in Collections:MT-Teacher Training and Education

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