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dc.contributor.authorNURAINI, Alifia Siti-
dc.description.abstractThe increasing batik industry in Jember Regency can potentially cause pollution to water bodies if batik waste with high color content is not treated properly. Color reduction can be done using adsorption method with coffee skin activated carbon as adsorbent. The adsorbent consists of coffee skin carbon and 1M KOH-activated coffee skin activated carbon. The adsorption method was carried out with a stirring speed of 140 rpm and varying the adsorbent mass (0.10 grams; 0.25 grams; and 0.50 grams), as well as the contact time (40 minutes; 50 minutes; and 60 minutes). The results showed the highest adsorption capacity of 815 mg/g and the highest efficiency of 66% occurred in the adsorption process with 0.10 grams of activated carbon for 40 minutes. While the lowest adsorption capacity of 65 mg/g and the lowest efficiency of 26% occurred in the adsorption process with 0.50 grams of unactivated carbon for 60 minutes. However, the color adsorption of batik wastewater using 1M KOH-activated activated carbon adsorbent still does not meet the quality standards. Statistical tests showed a p-value <0.05, indicating a significant influence between adsorbent mass and contact time on color reduction efficiency.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipIr. Noven Pramitasari, S.T., M.T. Ir. Ririn Endah Badriani, S.T., M.T.en_US
dc.publisherFakultas Tekniken_US
dc.subjectcoffe husken_US
dc.titleEfektivitas Karbon Aktif Limbah Kulit Kopi Teraktivasi KOH untuk Menurunkan Warna Pada Air Limbah Batiken_US
dc.identifier.prodiTeknik Lingkunganen_US
dc.identifier.pembimbing1Ir. Noven Pramitasari, S.T., M.T.en_US
dc.identifier.pembimbing2Ir. Ririn Endah Badriani, S.T., M.T.en_US
dc.identifier.validatorvalidasi_repo_ratna_Januari 2025en_US
dc.identifier.finalization0a67b73d_2025_01_tanggal 23en_US
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Engineering

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