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Title: Analisis Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Preeklamsia di Kabupaten Lumajang
Authors: NATUNGGA, Mutmainah Anggun
Issue Date: 15-Jul-2024
Publisher: Kesehatan Masyarakat
Abstract: Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, including preeclampsia, are significant contributors to maternal mortality and morbidity globally. The purpose of the study was to analyze the factors that most influence preeclampsia in Lumajang Regency. The research design is a case-control study. The research location is at Rogorunan Health Center and Kunir Health Center. The sample in this study was determined using saturated sample techniques or total sampling. samples at the Rogotrunan Health Center totaled 80 respondents and the Kunir Health Center which amounted to 75 respondents, totaling 155 respondents. Data collection using questionnaires. Analysis using logistic regression. The results of the study of variables that have a significant influence are on the variables of age (p-value = 0.070), history of hypertension (p-value = 0.000), pregnancy pause (p-value = 0.002), body mass index (p-value = 0.045), and hereditary hypertension (p-value = 0.000). A history of preeclampsia (p-value = 0.255) on the variable was excluded. Multivariate results between the history of hypertension and the incidence of preeclampsia obtained a value of p = 0.000, OR = 6.004 (1.549-5.065) meaning that history of hypertension affects the incidence of preeclampsia and history of hypertension affects 6.004 times the incidence of preeclampsia. Conclusion The most influential factor in the incidence of preeclampsia is a history of hypertension, so the recommended advice is the importance of a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, exercise regularly, avoiding stress, avoiding smoking, not consuming harmful substances, monitoring blood pressure regularly, and regular treatment. All of these actions are a preventive effort so that during pregnancy preeclampsia does not occur.
Appears in Collections:MT-Sciences of Health

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  Until 2029-10-31
Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, including preeclampsia, are significant contributors to maternal mortality and morbidity globally. The purpose of the study was to analyze the factors that most influence preeclampsia in Lumajang Regency. The research design is a case-control study. The research location is at Rogorunan Health Center and Kunir Health Center. The sample in this study was determined using saturated sample techniques or total sampling. samples at the Rogotrunan Health Center totaled 80 respondents and the Kunir Health Center which amounted to 75 respondents, totaling 155 respondents. Data collection using questionnaires. Analysis using logistic regression. The results of the study of variables that have a significant influence are on the variables of age (p-value = 0.070), history of hypertension (p-value = 0.000), pregnancy pause (p-value = 0.002), body mass index (p-value = 0.045), and hereditary hypertension (p-value = 0.000). A history of preeclampsia (p-value = 0.255) on the variable was excluded. Multivariate results between the history of hypertension and the incidence of preeclampsia obtained a value of p = 0.000, OR = 6.004 (1.549-5.065) meaning that history of hypertension affects the incidence of preeclampsia and history of hypertension affects 6.004 times the incidence of preeclampsia. Conclusion The most influential factor in the incidence of preeclampsia is a history of hypertension, so the recommended advice is the importance of a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, exercise regularly, avoiding stress, avoiding smoking, not consuming harmful substances, monitoring blood pressure regularly, and regular treatment. All of these actions are a preventive effort so that during pregnancy preeclampsia does not occur.2.41 MBAdobe PDFView/Open Request a copy

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