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Title: Analisis Konsep Suhu dan Kalor Pada Pembuatan Minuman Cafe Latte Sebagai Rancangan Suplemen Buku Ajar Fisika SMA
Other Titles: The Analysis Of Temperature And Heat Concept In Making Cafe Latte As a Suplement Draft Of a Physics Textbook For High School Level
Authors: AYUN, Chika Mialinda Qurroti
Keywords: Suplement book
black principle
Issue Date: 11-Aug-2023
Publisher: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Abstract: This research is a survey and research in order to determine the concept of temperature and heat in making a café latte, and to design a physics textbook supplement as an output. This research was conducted at the Titik Balik Café, Jember. The data collection methods used are observation, interviews, and documentation. The research results obtained include: 1) The concept of temperature and heat in making a café latte which is divided into 4, namely temperature and heat, specific heat and heat capacity, black principle, and heat transfer; 2) Design of textbook supplements.
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

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