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Title: Analysis of Students' Responses on Virtual Media Used in Physics Learning of Senior High School during the Pandemic
Other Titles: Analisis Respon Siswa Terhadap Media Virtual DalamPembelajaran Fisika SMA di Era Pandemi
Authors: SOFIYANTI, Eka
Keywords: covid outbreak
electronic devices
Issue Date: 25-Nov-2022
Abstract: The spread of the Covid-19 outbreak is easy, so the impact of this outbreak requires that the social life system must change, including good learning methods in schools. So far, learning methods have focused on conventional learning, namely a face-to-face learning method between teachers and students. Learning methods by means of discussions, questions and answers, lectures and guidance all take place face to face. However, with the Covid-19 outbreak, all learning processes cannot be carried out. The existence of restrictions on meeting and gathering in a school means that several educational staff are required to be more creative and active in using adequate technology so that the learning process can be carried out even though it is not optimal. The government recommends that teaching staff and students stay at home and physically and socially distance. In the learning process during the Covid-19 pandemic, it was carried out online. The Indonesian government, through the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud), has issued a circular prohibiting schools and universities from implementing face-to-face learning, replacing it with an e-learning system. Among them is the Circular Letter of the Director General of Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1 of 2020. E-learning is learning that is structured using electronic devices or computers so that it is able to support the learning process (Michael, 2013: 27).
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

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