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dc.contributor.authorNADEAK, Rohni Fera-
dc.descriptionFinalisasi repositori tanggal 6 Agustus 2024_Kurnadi_Raraen_US
dc.description.abstractThis research discusses about adaptation novel to film. Adaptation is a way to rewrite the same story but with a different point of view. Adaptation is redecorating a literary work, such as a novel, into a film with variations rather than imitating copying the original literary work. Adapting means arranging, changing, and adjusting to the original literary work. One of the films that have been adapted from literary works that will be analyzed in this research is a novel entitled The Notebook, this novel was adapted into a film with the same title directed by Nick Cassavetes in 2004. The Notebook is a novel written by Nicholas Sparks in 1996. This research using Linda Hutcheon's adaptation theory (2006) and the method are supported by the concept of Mythologies (1957) proposed by Roland Barthes to find the ideologies both in the novel and the film. The result of this analysis shows that there are some ideologies found both in the novel and the film. The ideologies are about sacrifice and class differences. As the ideologies have been revealed, the motive will be found. The motive beyond the adaptation is cultural capital and economic lures.en_US
dc.description.sponsorship1. Dr. Mochamad Ilham, M.Si. 2. Erna Cahyawati, S.S., M.Hum.en_US
dc.publisherFakultas Ilmu Budayaen_US
dc.titleAn Adaptation of The Notebook Novel by Nicholas Sparks to Film by Nick Cassavetesen_US
dc.identifier.prodiSastra Inggrisen_US
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Culture (Cultural Knowledge)

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