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Title: HUBUNGAN ANTARA INOVASI PRODUK DAN MUTU PELAYANAN DENGAN TINGKAT KUNJUNGAN ( VISIT RATE) (Studi pada Poli Akupuntur, Tumbuh Kembang, Fisioterapi, dan Pelayanan Pijat Bayi di Instalasi Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit Jember Klinik tahun 2013)
Authors: Sri Rahayu
Keywords: product innovation, quality of service, and visit rate
Issue Date: 24-Dec-2013
Series/Report no.: 092110101109;
Abstract: Jember Klinik Hospital is a hospital that has experienced the development of which was originally devoted serving medical and health care for employees Plantation (Intern) both active and retired, has now become a private hospital that also serves the general public. Health care products at the Hospital Clinic Jember became more varied, but there is a difference of visit rate respectively poly in each year, such as in poly growth and development increased 34.6% in 2012. While on physiotherapy also increased in 2012 as much as 19.8%. But the decline in the number of visits occurred in infant massage services, which declined by 33.7% in 2011 and the poly acupuncture, which decreased by 11.4% in 2012. Product innovations that will be studied include poly acupuncture, growth, physiotherapy, infant massage service. The population was patients on Poly Acupuncture, Growth and Development, Physiotherapy, Infant Massage Service and obtained sample as many as 92 people. The data were analyzed using Spearman correlation test with 95% confidence level . ρ values>0.05. The results showed that there is a relationship between the product innovation and quality of service with visit rate, with p value = 0.000. ρ values< 0.05 means that H rejected. Jember Klinik Hospital need to do business feasibility analysis and improve the quality of service with integrated quality management.
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Public Health

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