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Title: Implementasi Modul Fisika Berbasis REACT untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar dan Respon Siswa SMA Pokok Bahasan Gelombang Bunyi
Other Titles: The implementation of REACT-Based Physics Modules to Improve Learning Outcomes and Responses of High School Students in the Material of Sound Waves
Authors: PRATAMA, Yogi
Keywords: Gelombang bunyi
Hasil Belajar
Respon siswa
Issue Date: 27-Jul-2023
Publisher: Fakutas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Abstract: The objectives of this study are: 1) increase of learning outcomes module based on REACT material sound wave for class XI IPA high school, 2) responses the students use module based on REACT material sound wave. Type of research is Deskriptif Kuantitatif, and the form of the study is a Exsperimental One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Data collection tool used consisted of tests of learning outcomes and questionnaire. Analysis result show high school student learning outcomes with N-Gain score 0,77 and 0,86 and that the average N-Gain value is 0.815. Based on these results, the N-gain effectiveness of using REACT-based physics modules is included in the high category. So it was concluded that the REACT-based physics module on the subject of sound waves is effective and feasible to use in learning physics in high school. Responses student use module based on REACT material sound wave received good and positive responses with percentage values of 82% and 83.25% and that the average student response is 82.625%. so that module was used as learning material in high school.
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

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