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Title: Pengaruh Face To Face Selling, Catalogue Marketing, dan Online Marketing Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen Dira Cafe and Pool Ambulu Jember”
Authors: ROSITA, Annisa
Issue Date: 16-Jun-2023
Publisher: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Abstract: ABSTRACT Advances in technology have an impact on all aspects including the business world. The existence of increasingly fierce business competion makes consumers more selective in choosing the goods and services needed, so that business actors need to have the right marketing strategy. By optimizing the strategy used, namely direct marketing which consists of face-to-face sales, catalog marketing and online marketing, this strategy can influence consumer purchasing decisions. This study aims to see the effect of face-to-face sales, catalog marketing and online marketing on purchasing decisions at Dira Cafe and Ambulu Pool Jember. The method used is a survey research method with a quantitative approach. Selection of the sample using accidental sampling. While the data analysis used is multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the results of research and data processing, it shows that face-to-face sales, catalog marketing and online marketing have a positive and significant effect on consumer purchasing decisions at Dira Café and Ambulu Pool Jember. For this reason, in an effort to improve purchasing decisions at Dira Cafe and Pool Ambulu Jember, it is better for business actors to optimize this marketing strategy, one of which is by improving staff services by holding periodic recruitment and placing workers according to their abilities and educational background
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

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