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Title: Strategi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dalam Upaya Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Keluarga Perempuan Single Parent (Studi pada Usaha Opak Gambir di Desa Winongan Lor Kecamatan Winongan Kabupaten Pasuruan)
Authors: SUSANTI, Ajeng Dwi Gayuh
Issue Date: 16-Dec-2022
Publisher: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Abstract: The opaque gambir business is one of the businesses in Winongan Lor Village that was started by a single parent. The business was established with the help of an empowerment strategy to expand sources of income and improve family welfare. Through this empowerment strategy in an effort to increase welfare, it can provide insight, foster an attitude of independence, especially for single parent women, and can grow small industries that are empowered and can implement them for economic development in improving family welfare. The purpose of this study was to determine the strategy of empowerment through the gambir opak business in an effort to increase the welfare of single parent women's families in Winongan Lor Village by using a qualitative descriptive research method that is suitable for this phenomenon. In implementing the empowerment strategy, there are three scopes, namely social assistance, institutional strengthening and partnership strengthening. Meanwhile, to determine the level of family welfare, there are indicators of a prosperous family II and an indicator of a prosperous family III.
Description: Finalisasi oleh Taufik Tgl 6 Juni 2024
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

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