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Title: Analisis Efisiensi Penggunaan Modal Kerja pada KP-RI Bina Karya Banyuwangi Tahun Buku 2018-2022
Authors: NUR AFFIFAH, Rizka
Issue Date: 16-Jun-2023
Publisher: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Abstract: Working Capital comes from all current assets minus current liabilities. Working capital at KP-RI Bina Karya Banyuwangi in 2018-2022 has experienced fluctuating changes, while the SHU before tax has continued to decrease. The purpose of this research is to analyze the efficiency of working capital utilization at KP-RI Bina Karya Banyuwangi for the financial years 2018-2022. The research is of a descriptive nature with a qualitative approach. The research location was determined using the purposive area method. The data used in this research include primary data and secondary data. data collection methods involved document analysis and interviews. Methods of data analysis based on quantitative descriptive using efficiency ratios, namely the turnover rate of working capital and profitability of working capital. The results showed that the turnover rate of working capital at KP-RI Bina Karya Banyuwangi over a period of 5 years experienced fluctuating changes and was in the “Inefficient” category. The low level of working capital turnover is due to the low turnover of receivables. Meanwhile, the profitability of working capital for the KP-RI Bina Karya Banyuwangi in 2018-2022 has also experienced fluctuating changes, but is still in the "Quite Efficient" category. Based on the criteria of the Peraturan Menteri Negara Koperasi dan UMKM tahun 2006 for calculating the ratio of working capital turnover and working capital profitability that the research conducted, it can be concluded that the working capital turnover rate is still in the "Inefficient" condition, while the working capital profitability is already in the "Quite efficient" category.
Description: Finalisasi unggah file repositori tanggal 15 Mei 2024_Kurnadi
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

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