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Title: Investigasi Kesalahan Siswa Menyelesaikan Soal Rangkaian Listrik 2-Loop dengan Aturan Cramer Berbantuan Metode Sarrus
Authors: KINANTI, Az Zahra Lintang
Keywords: Student errors
Method Sarrus
Cramer's Rule
Electric Circuits
Issue Date: 24-Jan-2024
Publisher: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Abstract: The 21st century signifies significant changes in education through the integration of technology and the enhancement of students' skills through various learning activities. Physics education, as a subject applying technology, particularly in the domain of electricity, poses challenges, especially in the topic of closed 2-loop electric circuits. This research aims to investigate student errors in solving problems related to these circuits. This study adopts a quantitative descriptive research design. The research findings discussed in this study present descriptive data on student errors categorized into four types: conceptual errors, data usage errors, strategy errors, and calculation errors. The conclusion drawn from this research highlights students' errors in solving simple 2-loop DC electric circuit problems using Cramer's rule assisted by the Sarrus method. The study, conducted descriptively following an assessment rubric, categorizes student errors into four types: conceptual errors 24%, data usage errors 5.33%, strategy errors 21.33%, and calculation errors 22.66%.
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

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