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Title: Uji Minimum Inhibitory Concentration dan Minimum Bactericidal Concentration Ekstrak Kopi Robusta (Coffea canephora) Terhadap Streptococcus mutans
Streptococcus mutans
Issue Date: 11-Jan-2024
Publisher: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi
Abstract: Introduction: Dental caries is characterized by demineralization of hard tooth tissue which is followed by the destruction of organic dental material causing bacterial invasion. S. mutans is the main microorganism linked to the development of dental caries. Chlorhexidine is a chemical antibacterial that can prevent plaque formation and inhibit bacterial growth because it has bacteriostatic and bactericidal properties against S. mutans. Long-term usage of chlorhexidine will can induce side effects, such as irritation, mucosal erosion, alterations in taste perception, and tooth discoloration. Prevention of these side effects requires alternative antibacterials which have fewer side effects. Robusta coffee husk (Coffea canephora) is a natural ingredient that has potential to be an alternative antibacterial. Purpose: This study aims to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) values of robusta coffee husk (Coffea canephora) against S.mutans. Materials and method: This type of research is experimental laboratory with the post test-only control group design. Robusta coffee husk was extracted using the maceration process using 96% ethanol solvent. The MIC test using dilution method or broth dilution test. The MBC test was determined by culturing from the the previous dilution test into agar media. This research used 6 concentrations, namely 100%, 50%, 25%, 12.5%, 6.25%, and 3.125%, positive control (chlorhexidine 0.2%), and negative control (aquades steril). The data obtained were analyzed using One Way Anova parametric test followed by Post Hoc LSD. Result: The results of this study show that MIC and MBC values were obtained at concentration of 50%. Conclusion: Robusta coffee husk extract (Coffea canephora) has been proven to have bacteriostatic and bactericidal properties.
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Dentistry

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