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Title: A Potrait of the Miscelleaneous Students' Motivations to Study English in the Online Class during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Authors: KURNIAWAN, Dwi Rizki
Keywords: Online Class, Student's Learning Motivation, Covid-19 Pandemic
Issue Date: 13-Jun-2023
Publisher: Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Abstract: This study examined the motivation of junior high school students in studying English in online classes during the Covid19 pandemic. The research used a descriptive e study design and collected the data through questionnaires and interviews with 34 students of a junior high school in West Java, Indonesia. The findings revealed that in overall the students' motivation in learning English by online class was low or at least lower than before the pandemic; They perceived online classes as monotonous, less engaging, and less fulfilling than face-to-face classes; Additionally, they were easily distracted by technology and often strayed doing other things due to minimal supervision from their teacher. Conversely, the practice of using the new learning tools of digital media in online class positively affected the students’ motivation to learn English through lessons, songs and videos they could search easily from YouTube Application. In addition, students acknowledged the importance of English for their future preparedness. Accordingly, despite the challenges of online class for the students, this learning model had the potential to positively impact students' motivation.
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

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