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Title: Development Of An Android-based Mobile Learning Module on Simple Ventures And Aircraft to Improve the Critical Thinking Skills of Junior High School Students
Authors: NURI, Lu'ailik Nafisa
Issue Date: 6-Jan-2023
Publisher: FKIP
Abstract: Development of an Android-Based Mobile Learning Module to Improve Critical Thinking Skills of Junior High School. This study's purpose to specify the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of an android-based mobile learning module on simple ventures and aircraft to repair critical thinking skills for middle school students. The development of an android-based mobile learning module on the material simple ventures and aircraft is based on requirements for exact teaching materials for 21st-century learning which identically leverage technology, information, and communication. The method utilized in this research is ADDIE model development design which consists of five stages, namely analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The results indicated that (1) the percentage of validity of an Android-based mobile learning module was 91,83% obtained from an average of three validators, (2) the percentage of the practicality of an Android-based mobile learning module was 95,48%, (3) the effectiveness score of an Android-based mobile learning module is 0.63 which is acquired from the N-gain test and 95,91% from students response questionnaire so that it can be inferred that the Android-based mobile learning module is valid, practical and effective to repair critical thinking skill of junior high school students.
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

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