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Title: Analysis of Identification of Food Insecure Household Characteristics Based on Regional Status in Aceh Province
Authors: RAMADHANI, Evi
MERASHKY, Syarifah H
HADI, Alfian F
Keywords: Food Insecure Household
Characteristics Based
Issue Date: 22-Sep-2021
Publisher: AIP Conference Proceedings
Abstract: The status of regions in Indonesia is divided into two categories, namely rural areas and urban areas. According to the Badan Pusat Statistik (2010), Aceh is ranked as the 12th most food insecure province in Indonesia, the Aceh Province's food security index score only reached 66.22%. Based on data from the Aceh 2020 Susenas, there are a total of 21% cases of food insecurity that occur in rural areas, and 17% in urban areas. Analysis using the classification tree method is used to see the Importance Variable of food insecurity on the status of regions in Aceh province. The results of the analysis shows that there are several similarities in the characteristics of food insecurity that occur in villages and cities. Based on the parameter tuning values for rural areas, the maximum AUC value of 0.66 is obtained at the 500 misplit, and for the urban area the maximum AUC value is 0.71 at the 400 min split. The characteristics of food insecure households in urban areas consist of the type of fuel used used for cooking, floor area of the house (m2), proper sanitation, drinking water sources, and education of the head of the household. Characteristics of food insecurity in rural areas consist of fuel used for cooking, education of the head of the household, type of wall in the residence, type of floor, and ownership of land on which they build a house.first, second, and third level headings (first level heading
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