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Title: Hubungan Personal Hygiene dengan Keluhan Dermatitis Kontak Akibat Kerja pada Peternak di Peternakan Ayam Petelur Kabupaten Banyuwangi
Authors: ABIYYU, Ikhwan
Keywords: Laying hen breeders, contact dermatitis due to work, personal hygiene
Issue Date: 31-Jan-2023
Publisher: Fakultas Keperawatan
Abstract: Occupational skin disease that often occurs is contact dermatitis. Personal Hygiene is one of the factors that influencing contact dermatitis in farmers in laying farms. This study aimed to determine the relationship beetwen personal hygiene with contact dermatitis. This study used a correlational quantitative method with cross sectional. This study involved 45 respondents who are obtained through the total sampling. The data were collected using the personal hygiene and contact dermatitis questionnaire. Data were analyzed by using both univariate and bivariate analysis with 95% (α = 0.05) significace level. The result indicated that personal hygiene was high at 64,4% and personal hygiene was low at 35,6% of respondents. Meanwhile, It was indicated that contact dermatitis at 37,8% of respondents. There was significant correlation beetwen personal hygiene and contact dermatitis (p value = 0.0005 and r = -0.953) which indicates a high correlation with a negative value. Health workers can use this study as a step to minimize the contact dermatitis in agriculture, livestock and simillar sectors with improving worker’s personal hygiene.
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Nursing

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