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Title: The Difference of tooth Demineralization after Soaking in Human Milk and Infant Formula Milk using Scanning Electron Microscope
Authors: PRIHATININGRUM, Berlian
SULISTIYANI, Sulistiyani
Keywords: tooth demineralization
human milk
infant formula milk
artificial saliva
Issue Date: 5-Nov-2017
Publisher: International Conference in Health Sciences (ICHS)
Abstract: Milk is considered as a good source of Calsium. Comparison studies of tooth demineralization after soaking with milk from human and infant formula feeding in Indonesia are rare, so we compare the effect of soaking tooth with milk from human and formula to deminaralization of enamel. Demineralization of enamel is influenced by pH, buffering capacity, fluoride, calsium and phosphorus contents. The aim of this study was to determine the level of tooth demineralization after soaked with human milk and infant formula Feeding. This was an experimental laboratory study with post-test design only with control group design. Then samples were soaked in artificial saliva pH 7, human milk and infant formula milk for 24 hours. The depth of microporosity that occurs in each sample observed using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The infant formula feeding result the highest level of tooth demineralization followed by human milk and artificial saliva. There is a significant difference in level of tooth demineralization after soaked in human milk dan infant formula feeding. Human milk has a longer pH stability than infant formula feeding, so it is slower to cause enamel solubility than infant formula feeding. In human milk also containing a right amount of protein and non sucrose that can cause enamel solubilty. Level of teeth demineralization was highest from infant formula feeding followed by human milk and artificial saliva
Gov't Doc #: KODEPRODI1610101#Kedokteran Gigi
Appears in Collections:LSP-Conference Proceeding

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