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Title: Using Task-Based Language Teaching (Tblt) to Improve Junior High School Students’ Participation and Reading Comprehension Achievement
Authors: ROSA, Rainia Adina Winda
Keywords: Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT)
Students’ Participation
Reading Comprehension Achievement
Issue Date: 19-Jul-2021
Publisher: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Abstract: This classroom research focused on using Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) Approach to improve the eigth-grade students’ participation and their reading comprehension achievement an at SMP Nurul Islam (NURIS) Jember. The research was conducted from of January, 2021 to and of January 2021. The research participants were the students of class VIII G. This class was chosen because most of the students in this class still faced some difficulties dealing with reading comprehension such as the students still had difficulties in mastering vocabularies, the students tended to translate the text word by word by using the dictionary, so sometimes it did not make sense, and the students tended to be passive during teaching and learning process. Thus, the researcher was interested in using TBLT that was believed by some precious researchers to overcome the students’ passive participation and their difficulties in reading comprehension.Furthermore, some previous researcher also proved that TBLT could promote students’ enjoyment, boosting students’ confidence and increasing learners motivation This research was conducted in one cycle because the criteria sucssesful of this research was fulfilled. This research consisted of five meetings including pretest and post-test. The cycle covered some stages that included reconnaissance, planning, implementing the action, observing and reflecting. In this research, the data were obtained from the reading comprehension test and the observation notes. The observation was assisted by the help of the teacher and the colleague. The evidence of the research success was proven by two improvement evidences of students’ participaton and their reading achievement scores. First evidence, The criteria of success for the students’ participation was at least 75% of the students got score ≥ 75 in reading comprehension test, and at least 75% of them were active in the reading process. For this research, the number of students who participated actively during teaching and learning process of reading by applying TBLT was improved from 73.9% in the second meeting, 90 % in the third meeting, to 100% in the fourth meeting for one cycle. Secondly, the criteria of success for reading comprehension was at least 75% of the students get score ≥ 75”. The result showed that the students’ reading comprehension scores who passed the passing grade in the reading comprehension test improved from 35% in pre-test to 81% in post-test. Based on the reflection, the result of reading comprehension test and observation, it was proved that the use of TBLT in the teaching and learning of reading process could help the students to improve their participation and their scores in reading comprehension test. During the action given in the second meeting, the students told that the use of strategy could help them find the main idea and the spesific information of the text. Furthermore,the students showed their enthusiasm during this activity since they have never applied TBLT for doing their reading activities before. This activity also allowed them to discuss both with their own group and other groups. In addition, they were not afraid to make mistakes to show their ideas. Based the explanation above, it could be concluded that TBLT was useful for improving the students’ participation and their reading comprehension achievement. The finding of this research strengthened the theory that TBLT is an effective way for reading comprehension activity. It also could be used as consideration for the teacher to apply this strategy and it was suggested to select the suitable tasks for the students.
Description: Finalisasi oleh Taufik Tgl 14 September 2022
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

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