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Authors: Agnes Feryza Widiyanti
Keywords: Sentence Mastery
Issue Date: 20-Dec-2013
Series/Report no.: 070210491147;
Abstract: UMMARY Improving the Eleventh Grade Students’ Conditional Sentence Mastery through Jigsaw at SMA Negeri 2 Bondowoso in the 2011/2012 Academic Year; Agnes Feryza Widiyanti; 070210491147; 2012; 55 pages; English Education Program Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Jember University. This Classroom Action Research was intended to improve the eleventh grade students’ conditional sentence mastery through jigsaw at SMA Negeri 2 Bondowoso in the 2011/2012 academic year . The research subjects were the students of class XI IPA 1 that were determined purposively by consulting to the eleventh grade English teacher. Based on the information from the teacher, this class had the lowest mean score of the English lesson among the other existing classes. However, the structure diagnostic test was given to the research subjects to know their ability of structure, especially conditional sentence type 2 and type 3. The result showed that the mean score of the students’ diagnostic test was only 69.2 ( This classroom action research was done in two cycles in which each cycle covered four stages of activities, namely planning the action; implementing the action; observing and evaluating; and analyzing the data and reflecting the action. Each cycle was conducted in two meetings. The data about the students’ structure achievement were collected by administering the structure test after the actions given. Observation was used to monitor the process of teaching structure through jigsaw technique and the students’ participation in the classroom. The supporting data were collected by interview and documentation. In cycle I, the results of the structure test showed that the mean score of the students’ achievement test was 74.1 xii below 75%. Then, based on the classroom observation it was revealed that there were two indicators that had not been fulfilled. Only 47.2% of the students raised their hands when the teacher gave oral questions and 72.2% of the students did the instruction given by the teacher. It means that the result of the observation had not achieved the requirement of the research, that was at least 75% of the students did at least four from five indicators being observed. It showed that this research result had not fulfilled the criteria of the success of the action. Therefore, the actions in cycle II were conducted in order to improve the students’ conditional sentence mastery through jigsaw technique. The actions were continued to the second cycle by revising some necessary aspects. The English teacher and the researcher collaborated in determining the members of the home groups. The students were equally grouped based on the result of the structure test in cycle I and the observation done by the observer during the actions in cycle 1. Besides, the revision was dealing with the students’ opportunities in the discussion, the teacher motivated the quiet or lazy students. The teacher also gave more attention to the group in which the members didn’t get the same opportunities in the discussion. The teacher also gave more explanation about the material and gave chance to the students to ask questions whether or not they had understood the materials. It was hoped that the revision could make the students improve their conditional sentence mastery. In the second cycle, the results of structure test showed improvement. The mean score of the students’ structure achievement test was 78.2 xiii from five indicators being observed. These results indicated that this research had fulfilled the criteria of the success of this action research. Based on the results, it could be concluded that the teaching of structure through jigsaw technique could improve the students’ conditional sentence mastery as well as their active participation in the process of structure teaching learning. Then, it is suggested that the English teachers to use jigsaw as a technique in teaching structure since it could make the students participate actively in the teaching learning process of structure and improve their structure achievement on conditional sentence. xiv
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

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