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dc.contributor.authorAVIVI, Sholeh-
dc.contributor.authorARINI, Sivia Fitri Mei-
dc.contributor.authorSOEPARJONO, Sigit-
dc.contributor.authorRESTANTO, Didik Pudji-
dc.contributor.authorFANATA, Wahyu Indra Duwi-
dc.contributor.authorWIDJAYA, Ketut Anom-
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this research was to obtain the resistant plant toward waterlogging stress. The research used complete randomized block design (RBD) with two factors and three replications. The first factors of sugarcane variety are PS 8845, VMC 7616, BL, VMC 86550, PSJK 922 and PS 864. The second factor is the treatments of waterlogging on the level of treatment, that is, without waterlogging, 6, 9, and 12 weeks of waterlogging in bucket. The research results showed that the differences in resistance response of several tested varieties were seen in parameters of number of leaves, number of yellowing leaves, fresh weight of plant, plant height, stem diameter, root length, root’s branch, number of tillers, chlorophyll content, the rate of photosynthesis, stomatal density, shoot leaf size, and leaf angle. Quantitative data character were analysed using ANOVA and DMRT. The conclusion of this research were that PS 8845 and VMC 7616 variety can be recommended as a variety that is resistant to water logging stress. While variety PSJK 922 showed the worst response in condition of waterlogging stress.en_US
dc.publisherEDP Sciencesen_US
dc.subjectTolerance Screening of Sugarcane Varities Toward Waterlogging Stress Morphological and Protein Characteristicsen_US
dc.titleTolerance Screening of Sugarcane Varities Toward Waterlogging Stress Morphological and Protein Characteristicsen_US
Appears in Collections:LSP-Conference Proceeding

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