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dc.contributor.authorWIDJONARKO, Widjonarko-
dc.contributor.authorBUKHORI, Saiful-
dc.contributor.authorPRATAMA, Arzoga Putra-
dc.description.abstractThe hybrid renewable energy system is a breakthrough that can manage energy for consumer needs. In this system, the energy source of PV is apriority. On the other hand, PV is strongly influenced by environmental factors to produce maximum electrical energy. MPPT is a tracking technique that forces solar cells to work at their maximum working point. In this study, the algorithm applied to the SEPIC-type DC-DC system was P&O. The MPPT technique is able to increase the power that goes into the converter, but a problem is the efficiency of the input power and the output power of the PV that goes to the converter which in several previous studies has not been maximized. Therefore a voltage regulator system is given which functions to control the output voltage of the MPPT system so that it is able to be constant, this is also a solution to maximize the efficiency of PV. Based on the experiment, the voltage regulator's system work is to cut the output voltage from the DC Converter side with a duty ratio of about 20% to increase the MPPT system's efficiency with a value ranging from 80 - 95% at different irradiation variations.en_US
dc.publisherional Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA)en_US
dc.subjectPerturb and Observeen_US
dc.subjectVoltage Regulationen_US
dc.titleAn Improving Efficiency MPPT in PV Systems with a Modified Voltage Regulatoren_US
dc.identifier.kodeprodiKODEPRODI1910201#Teknik Elektro-
Appears in Collections:LSP-Conference Proceeding

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