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Title: Teacher Perspective: Innovative, Adaptive, and Responsive Instructional Design Aimed at Life Skills
Authors: UMAMAH, Nurul
SUMARDI, Sumardi
MARJONO, Marjono
HARTONO, Hartono
Keywords: Teacher Perspective: Innovative, Adaptive, and Responsive Instructional Design Aimed at Life Skills
Issue Date: 9-Sep-2019
Publisher: IOP Publishing
Abstract: Teachers have the main task in developing learning designs. The industrial revolution 4.0 and society 5.0 call forth different learning and paradigms. A new paradigm that requires the ability of teachers to maintain a complexity in the real world becomes a fact that it easily apprehended in the class. The complex process in making learning design requires automation to facilitate its application with valid result and reliable learning design. Learning design that stimulates students with challenging tasks helps to maximize their zone of proximal development. Such learning design leads to innovative, adaptive, and responsive learning design aimed at life skills. This research involves survey that aims to analyze teachers' perceptions of the opportunities for developing innovative, adaptive, and responsive learning designs aimed at life skills. The research samples involved 14 high school History teachers in Jember. Research results show that 85.71% of teachers have the readiness to design innovative, and adaptive learning aimed at life skills. Unfortunately, teachers still have difficulty developing it. While 14.29% of teachers stated that they were not ready because they did not have the provision of knowledge related to their development. This research also described ideas and teacher perspective in designing innovative learning, adaptive responsive aimed at life skills. Furthermore, this study also described the level of teachers’ readiness based on analytic abilities, developmental abilities and measurement. The study recommends that the urgency of developing learning designs that are innovative, adaptive and responsive aimed at life skills to empower students facing challenge of life.
Appears in Collections:LSP-Conference Proceeding

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