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Title: The Use of “English Tenses Practice” Application in Mobile Phone to Improve the Tenth Grade Students’ Mastery of Past Tense and Present Perfect Tense at Senior High School
Authors: Sundari, Siti
Adi Andayani, Made
Pratiwi, Dian
Keywords: English Tenses Practice
Issue Date: 22-Dec-2020
Abstract: This classroom action research was intended to improve X MIPA 3 students’ active participation and their grammar mastery of past tense and present perfect tense by using “English Tenses Practice” application in mobile phone at SMAN 1 Jember in the 2019/2020 academic year. Based on the result of the preliminary study which was done before conducting this research, there were 18 studentsgot score ≥ 80 (52,94% of them) while 16 students (47,05 of them)got score less than 80. According to the English teacher, only 70% of the students were active during the teaching and learning process. Besides, based on the result of the interview with the English teacher, most of the students had dificulties in constructing sentences and feel confuse in using verb 1, verb 2 and verb 3. To overcome those problems, the researcher applied “English Tenses Practice” application as the instructional media in teaching grammar. Using the application in the mobile phone is very useful to improve the students’ grammar mastery. Muhammed (2014) said that one of the advantages could be the possibility to download certain English application and programs that may help learners improve their language skills, their language systems like grammar and vocabulary.In this case, the researcher asks the students to download “English Tenses Practice” application in play store or app store as an instructional media that may help the students improve their grammar.By using this application to learn grammar, the students could be easier to understand the matery and did noet easily to get bored.
Appears in Collections:UT-Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

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