Browsing by Author ULUM, Fuad Bahrul

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Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015-09-291st International Conference on Life Sciences and Biotechnology (ICOLIB): Exploration and Conservation of BiodiversityMUZAKHAR, Kahar; PURWATININGSIH, Purwatiningsih; UTAMI, Eva Tyas; SISWOYO, Siswoyo; ULUM, Fuad Bahrul; SETIAWAN, Rendy; UBAIDILLAH, Syafiq; BAROKAH, Anis; KHOIRIYAH, Zakiyatul; JANNAH, Arminatul
2017-08-07Characterization of Terrestrial Spores Fern Plants From Wildlife Highland “Yang” The Argopuro MountainSETYATI, Dwi; ULUM, Fuad Bahrul; ANAS, Aswar
2018-05-04Distribusi Lamun di Zona Intertidal Tanjung Bilik Taman Nasional Baluran Menggunakan Metode GIS (Geographic Information System)HIDAYATULLAH, Alhabsy; SUDARMADJI, Sudarmadji; ULUM, Fuad Bahrul; SULISTIYOWATI, Hari; SETIAWAN, Rendy
2015-09-29Morphological Character of Mosses from Family Bryaceae from Mount ArgopuroULUM, Fuad Bahrul; RAHARDIAN, Galen
2022-06-01Pendampingan Praktikum Pengenalan Mikroskop Serta Bentuk dan Struktur Sel Pada Mahasiswa Prodi Ilmu Keperawatan Stikes Dr. Soebandi Jember Secara OnlineULUM, Fuad Bahrul; SUTOYO, Sutoyo; ARIMURTI, Sattya
2022-12Petunjuk Praktikum Biologi DasarULUM, Fuad Bahrul; SETYATI, Dwi; FAJARIYAH, Susantin; LELONO, Asmoro; UTAMI, Eva Tyas; PURWATININGSIH, Purwatiningsih; NIHAYAH, Husnatun; WIMBANINGRUM, Retno; SETIAWAN, Rendy; SIDDIQ, Arif Mohammad; SISWANTO, Siswanto; SUTOYO, Sutoyo; UTARTI, Esti; ARIMURTI, Sattya; OKTARIANTI, Rike; WATHON, Syubbanul
2024-08-21Petunjuk Praktikum Biologi DasarULUM, Fuad Bahrul; SETYATI, Dwi; FAJARIYAH, Susantin; LELONO, Asmoro; UTAMI, Eva Tyas; PURWATININGSIH; NIHAYAH, Husnatun; WIMBANINGRUM, Retno; SETIAWAN, Rendy; SIDDIQ, Arif Mohammad; SISWANTO; SUTOYO; UTARTI, Esti; ARIMURTI, Sattya; OKTARIANTI, Rike; WATHON, Syubbanul
2023-02-01Petunjuk Praktikum Struktur TumbuhanSETYATI, Dwi; ULUM, Fuad Bahrul; SUUDI, Mukhamad
2024-03-01Petunjuka Praktikum (Pratical Module) Ekofisiologi Tumbuhan (Plant Ecophysiology)ULUM, Fuad Bahrul
2022Plant Systematics Practical BookULUM, Fuad Bahrul; SETYATI, Dwi; SU'UDI, Mukhamad
2021-08-21Polyploidy Improves Photosynthesis Regulation within the Ranunculus auricomus Complex (Ranunculaceae)ULUM, Fuad Bahrul; HADACEK, Franz; HORANDI, Elvira
2016-01-25Population Genetic Structure and Reproductive Strategy of the Introduced Grass Centotheca lappacea in Tropical LandUse Systems in SumatraHODAC, Ladislav; ULUM, Fuad Bahrul; OPFERMANN, Nicole; BREIDENBACH, Natalie; HOJSGAARD, Diego; TJITROSOEDIRDJO, Sri Sudarmiyati; VORNAM, Barbara; FINKELDEY, Reiner; HORANDI, Elvira
2017-08-08Pteridophytes of Alas Purwo National Park and Their Medicinal PotencyULUM, Fuad Bahrul; SETYATI, Dwi
2022-08-30Review Aktivitas Fotosintesis pada Tanaman Sorgum (Sorghum bicolor) dalam Kondisi Cekaman KekeringanSU’UDI, Mukhamad; RAHARDIANTO, Arsetyo; SEPTIANASARI, Miatin Alvin; SAPUTRI, Veren Yuliana; SETYATI, Dwi; ULUM, Fuad Bahrul
2022-10-14Tree Ferns of C. contaminans and C. orientalis from Biosite Erek-erek Geoforest of Ijen Geopark, BanyuwangiULUM, Fuad Bahrul; SETYATI, Dwi