Students’ Readiness in Online English Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic
This study examined the readiness of junior high school students in studying English in online classes during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research used a quantitative descriptive study design and collected the data through questionnaires with 78 students at a junior high school in Situbondo, east Java, Indonesia. Based on the results of research and discussion of the level of readiness for the application of E-learning students based on 3 factors that were used as indicators in this study, it can be concluded that on the fact of personal ability shows that students already have readiness in the individual to do online learning. This readiness includes the readiness of the student's ability to operate technology. The technology factor is the next indicator that is considered in student readiness. Based on the results of this study, it was concluded that students were also ready to carry out learning online. And on the self-development factor students are classified as having good readiness in preparing for learning English online although, students still need to improve readiness that is still lacking. Despite all the result there is still room for improvement.